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BylawsAdopted March 2001 Revised March 2024
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Officers | Central Illinois Green ClubPresident: Dave Wehrmann Vice President: Craig Long 2nd Vice President: Jim LaMore Secretary: Ann Roach Treasurer: Jim Moody
(IUCr) Statutes and By-Laws(a) to promote international cooperation in crystallography;
About Us | PTGWOPTWO represented the interest of the workers in the transport industry, including the seafarers and the drivers. However, as the years went on and the membership of the organization grew, it had to accept workers belongi
Justice Denied: Shawn Freeman shoots unarmed man in the face - AnotherThe Mesa Police Department is facing a lawsuit for the mass firing that resulted in the death of an unarmed man. Sniper Shawn Freeman fired the first shot at the victim, hitting him in the face before other officers join
AAPD | Latest NewsIn addition to keeping our members up-to-date on what s happening within the academy, AAPD works hard to ensure that the integrity, expertise, and devotion of pediatric dentistry are actively included in mainstream media
The Dominican Connectionphoto: Trevor Dixon In 1995 a local narcotics squad warned the CIA that a Dominican political party was raising campaign funds in Philadelphia through sales of heroin and coke. Now the investigators
St. Louis cold case documentary released | ksdk.comLocal filmmaker, Edrar ‘Bird’ Sosa, and founder of 314 Bird Studios hosted a film screening for his first project, “Our Precious Hope: St. Louis’ Baby Jane Doe.
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